Blood Fest (2018).

By Rob.

Who hasn’t thought that their love and knowledge of horror movies could help them survive a horror like situation? We all have! We think we’re invincible! We all assume that we could make it through a zombie outbreak.

This movie leans heavily into that mindset.

The plot is pretty simple. A boy watches his mom get murdered. He then watches his dad kill the killer. Fast forward. Now said boy is in his teens and wanting to go to Blood Fest, a festival of all things horror. The boys dad has made a lucrative writing career off of the attempted decimation of horror movies and doesn’t want his son seen at something that promotes the very thing he is setting out to destroy. He believes in the old argument that horror movies incite real world violence.

Any guesses as to what happens? That’s right! He goes!

Obviously things go wrong and every horror trope you can think of happens. It’s amazing, fantastical and as the title suggests, bloody as hell.

I won’t spoil the twists but it’s a great movie that is well worth any horror movie fans time.

At the time of this writing you can watch it on Amazon Prime.

Review - Watch the bloody hell out of this movie and decide if you think you can still survive a horror movie.


The Trailer of Trailers!


Terrifier (2016).