Freaky Friday Films

Each week we will draw from a bucket to get a randomized horror movie category for each of us to pick a movie from to watch and do a mini review on. This week the category is environmental. Here’s our selections:

The Devil Bat (1940)

For an environmental horror movie, I always think of Godzilla and animals striking back to get revenge. In the devil bat, you have the great Bela Lugosi. His character makes an after-shave lotion that attracts the devil bat to attack. I don’t know what’s better between the sound effects of the devil bat, the sassy quips, or the ridiculously oversized vampire bat that they zoom into its precious face. I have a hard time being afraid of that sweet little face. There’s one line from the police commissioner that absolutely cracked me up. He gets offered aftershave, but he declines it saying that if he wore perfume that his wife would surely suspect him. Yeah, ok. Let’s worry more about being outed than a giant devil bat. Such a fun short watch. By the way the say devil bat a whooping 37 times in its short 68-minute runtime - Shawna

5 “it’s a mammal not a bird” out of 5

Piranha 3D (2010)

Shawna obviously went a little classy, so naturally I had to go just a tad trashy. That’s right folks! I went with Piranha 3D! A B-rated horror remake of a B-rated horror movie from 1978 that was inspired but Jaws. The inspiration is very clear here as well. A small town sheriff that is a hot spot for kids on spring break. Their whole town relies on the money from this singular season to get them by until next year. Love it. No notes. The whole thing goes sideways when some idiot (played by the original Hooper from Jaws, Richard Dreyfuss) litters in the lake, thus opening the long dormant domain of prehistoric piranha. Chaos ensues, blood is spilled, bikinis are ripped off. Overall a great time. It’s a horror comedy, not Shakespeare. Enjoy.

4 DD’s out of 5


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