Whatcha Readin’ Wednesdays!!!

Join us every Wednesday as we review books we have read or are currently reading!!!

“My best friend’s exorcism was creepy and atmospheric with the fun 80s references. I especially enjoyed a tense scene where all the creepy stuff is happening and her Mickey phone keeps ringing saying “Hi I’m Mickey!” There’s a lot of laugh out loud moments that makes it fun. I actually liked most of the changes that the movie made from the book. There were parts in the book that drug on a little long so that they trimmed it down in a good way. I think it’s a fun take on a normally more serious type of horror movie.

4 ET posters out of 5.” - Shawna

“The tone of the 80’s was captured perfectly here. The references were on point. The story itself really focused on the human elements of building a strong friendship before taking you to a place that was so dark you honestly didn’t think they’d find a way back out. The horror really landed here. The author used one of my favorite forms of demonic possession tropes, the psychological. The way our narrator got secluded from everyone she loved and cared for, making her a stand-alone heroine that only cared about saving her friend, was so satisfying if frustrating. I can’t recommend this book enough, especially if you love gross scenes involving worms.

4 1/2 tape worms out of 5.” - Rob.


Freaky Friday Films


Halloween Trivia Tuesday